MINI Blade Fuse Replacement Circuit Breakers
Durite MINI blade fuse circuit breakers from Arc Components Ltd. These plug-in MINI spade breakers replace the automotive mini blade fuses in many fuse boxes where a quick trip circuit reset is required. This type of circuit breaker has a mini-sized blade to suit automotive MINI blade fuse holders.
0-380-60 10A Red Mini Blade Fuse Replacement Circuit BreakerRe: 0-380-60
Durite Red coloured 10 Amps circuit breaker for 12-24VDC systems. The unit will replace MINI blade fuses in many fuse holders and boxes.
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0-380-65 15A Blue Mini Blade Fuse Replacement Circuit BreakerRe: 0-380-65
Durite Blue coloured 15 Amps circuit breaker for 12-24VDC systems. The unit will replace MINI blade fuses in many fuse holders and boxes.
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