Multiple Connectors
Multiple connectors and heavy-duty cable plugs and sockets form a large part of the stock range at Arc Components Ltd. This section covers light-duty and heavy-duty cable connectors, including Mate and Lock connectors, blade terminals and housings, Superseal and Econoseal connectors, Junior Power Timer sockets, Schlemmer and Packard connectors, Bus bars, Junction boxes and heavy-duty battery cable connectors. In our website's Caravan and Trailer section can find heavier-duty plugs and sockets.
Durite standard blade connector housings and terminals. Multiple blocks for 6.3mm spade terminals, including different sizes for cable entry.
Durite 10A round male and female mate-n-lock terminal connectors. Block connectors with male pins and female socket versions.
Motor vehicle looms wiring and lighting Superseal and Delphi type connectors. 1 to 6-way waterproof male and female housings.
Econoseal, Junior Timer and Junior Power Timer multiple male and female terminal housing and pin kits.
Deutsch DT series environmentally-sealed connectors, designed for multiple 'cable to cable' connections.
Durite vehicle loom wiring "Heavy Duty Sealed Connector Series Housings" (HDSCS) type connectors. high-load 2 to 18-way thermoplastic housings.
Packard Timer and Schlemmer multiple connectors. Loom replacement electrical plugs & sockets.
Busbar, junction and cable terminal connectors. Light and heavy duty multiple cable distribution blocks.
Heavy-duty Anderson type battery cable connector and handles. High load universal male and female plugs.
Heavy-duty battery cable connector assemblies. High load universal male and female plugs and cables.
Junior Power Timer 2-way terminal connector. The automotive cable connector is supplied with cable seals and brass terminals.
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Durite 6.30mm 1-way standard female automotive blade or spade terminal housing. White nylon connector for brass locking terminals.
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Durite 6.30mm 3-way standard male automotive blade or spade terminal housing. White nylon connector for brass locking terminals.
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